Election post


Hey everyone, my name is Urvi and I'm a second-year student whose running for treasurer. If elected, I will ensure better use of funds and that they are efficiently managed for the society’s events.

I will also work closely with the president and events officer to create a comprehensive budget that considers all the club’s activities and events. These will include both academic and social activities. 

As treasurer, I will also maintain good relationships with external stakeholders who we need to rely on to organise events which will help build our reputation and standing within the university community.

Overall, I believe I have the skills necessary to be a treasurer. I am responsible and committed to ensuring there is a change in our society. I would be honoured to have your vote and to serve as your treasurer for the coming year. 

If you want SoP Society to be revived and have amazing events, have your faith with me and I will deliver.

Thank you for your consideration.