Election post


Hi, my name is Ilia and I am a first year Psychology with Education student!  Joining salsa society this year has been one of the best choices I have made and something I am truly passionate about. I have dedicated my time and effort to attend and engage with salsa sessions, becoming familiar with many of its members and I would love to be more involved!

As treasurer I will ensure to maintain a high standard of upkeep regarding the society’s finances. I will also guarantee the funds are managed efficiently and provide its members with maximum opportunities. Through my current job as a swimming teacher I have been assisting with the role of pool manager dealing with customer payments, and increasing my knowledge of HR duties. Alongside this, my everyday spending has enabled me to fully learn and understand budgeting. 

I am a trustworthy and cooperative person whose organisation and communication skills will allow me to work closely with the other members of the committee. As someone who truly cares about the society, I hope to implement a fair role to form a positive change and for this reason I am confident l would suit the role of the treasurer! :)