Election post


Ahoy there! I’m Maryn, hopefully your 2023-24 president (commodore) :)

If you’re a new member, I might be an unfamiliar face to you. I sailed for the club last year (2021-22) and had loads of fun going to events and training on the reservoir. This year, I’ve been out on a study abroad, but I’ve kept in touch with the club as your sponsorship officer. Though helping out the club was challenging, I found it very rewarding, and am very excited by the possibility of giving back even more to the club as commodore. 

Next year, I’m hoping to continue the hard work of the previous committee. I hope next year we can properly start to settle in after our transition to UCL.What I’ll be hoping to work towards is:

  • Close the gap between beginner sailors and committee members (e.g. by having beginner sailors continue training even when the racers are at a team racing event)
  • Keep making our sport accessible and affordable by continuing our kit order as well as investigating other sponsorship opportunities
  • Set aside budget and get repairs sorted for our ailing firefly fleet
  • Not capsize every time I take out a new crew
  • Behind-the-scenes stuff streamlining the committee tasks (centralise spreadsheets, create playbooks for events/orders, set agendas for meetings, etc.)

In general though, I hope to continue running the sailing club as a place where both new sailors and experienced racers from unis all over London can come and enjoy the objectively best sport out there ;)