Election post


Hi, I’m Rish and I would love to be your RUMS Treasurer! Over the past two years, RUMS has become an incredibly important part of my life, and I am keen to take on a more active role in supporting this amazing community.

As a member of the Events Subcommittee, I have had the opportunity to work closely with the current committee and gain experience in organising and marketing events. Additionally, my role in UCL Punjabi Society's core committee has provided me with experience in communicating with the Student Union and in approaching sponsors.

As Treasurer, I would continue to improve the funding available for RUMS. Events like 'Take Me Out', which make use of UCL spaces, have great potential to be successful and raise money. Additionally, I want to ensure that all RUMS networks are represented in our events, and would look at ways to lower the cost of events. I would aim to lower ticket prices to make them more affordable and accessible for members by approaching sponsors and I would create a subcommittee section dedicated to this.

Lastly, I would aim to introduce a project that focuses on showcasing musical and creative talent within RUMS. A musical production, for example, could be a fantastic way to bring the society together, raise funds, and promote our members' talents.

RUMS is a truly amazing community and has been nothing short of family for me this year. I hope to have the opportunity to support it’s success this coming year!