Election post


RUMS has had a brilliant year so far, and I want us to keep going in the right direction. That means continuing the amazing work of events & welfare, strengthening our academic network, and driving engagement up with novel events & activities across the board.

If elected I will:

  • INTRODUCE NEW EVENTS & ACTIVITIES. Things like RUMS art competitions, termly welfare days, timetabled student-led talks for preclin years, and even more shows in LT1!
  • INCREASE TRANSPARENCY FROM THE MED SCHOOL. As your Academic VP this year I have learnt a lot about the bureaucracy behind educational reform. This needs to change ASAP which is why we need more student representatives involved behind the scenes to advocate for OUR needs.
  • IMPROVE AFFORDABILITY OF EVENTS. We need to drive down prices as much as we can by subsidising costs, developing good relations with venues we trust, and ditching the expensive “alcohol included” price tag. I also want to improve our scheme for supporting financially underprivileged students who want to come to these events but can’t.
  • WIDEN OUR CHARITY INITATIVE. One thing I feel RUMS can improve on a lot is our charity work. By teaming up with other societies and organisations next year along with implementing fundraising from our own events and merch, I think we have real potential to do good for the world outside RUMS in our own way.

With your vote, let's make RUMS even better!