Election post


Hey guys, Harmony here :)

I've decided to run as vice captain for the 2023/24 season, as I have watched this club develop on and off the pitch for the past 2 years and want to continue to be a part of all of your rugby journeys in the future. When I started at UCLWRC, I had never played rugby before, but I quickly fell in love and found a passion that I never knew I had (smashing people for fun ;)). And now I want to be able to help others start/continue their rugby journey amongst a group of amazing people. I have experience captaining a team to regional level and so know the true responsibilities that come with such an important role, such as good comms both on the pitch and behind the scenes, positivity, good time management and being a team player to name a few. I will strive to create an environment where you all feel supported but also pushed to ensure you can reach your upmost potential. Being a part of committee as your volunteering sec this past year has given me an insight into the demands of this role. For example booking pitches and refs, and communicating with both the union and opposing teams to guarantee game time. I believe my reliability, optimism and approachability makes me the perfect candidate for the role of vice captain and hope that you'll vote for me!

Lots of tackles, Harmony xoxo