Election post


Why am I standing? 

During my time as a member of UCLMRFC I have felt at home. This club has acted as a catalyst for my enjoyment while at UCL, proving both fitness, friends and social structure. The countless Wednesdays of fun have provided an inclusive social setting allowing for inter year relationship providing much needed support and advice.

Giving back to community is one of my key values, this is why I am looking to run to be a social sectary of UCLMRFC. This community has helped me massively and this is why I am excited to give back. Using my organisational skills to ensure there is a consistent, inclusive and most importantly fun social calendar. Drawing from my organisational skills I would look to create a similar experience for next years club and all of its new members, Working with the rest of the committee bring prosperity to the club. 

I love this Club and hopefully this club will love me.

Your Truly William Moore (CCO)