Election post


Hi there! My name is Edward, currently studying a BSc in Urban Planning and Real Estate, and as you might expect, I’m immensely passionate about the world of commercial real estate. I’ve been heavily involved in the UCL Real Estate Society as Treasure this past year, and would love to grow my contribution to the society in the role of President.

The world of real estate is highly opaque. As such, I hope to leverage my experience and connections to help UCL students break into the industry.

What qualifies me to do this? I began working full time as a real estate agent at just 17 y/o, and over two years helped broker $175m+ worth of transactions. Currently studying a degree focusing on real estate, I also work part time at a PropTech start-up and at a boutique real estate consultancy. Moreover, I have successfully secured a summer internship at a Real Estate Investment Trust.

I envisage growing the activities of the Real Estate Society in three key dimensions. First, running bi-weekly career insight and professional networking events (especially important given that real estate is such a relationship driven industry). Second, creating a real estate financial modelling bootcamp, a prerequisite skill for anyone aspiring to gain an internship or graduate position in CRE. And third, making the most of my personal network by providing internship and work experience opportunities directly to our members.

I can’t wait to see what we achieve together over the next year!