Election post


As the FYR with the highest PSOC attendance, this trajectory of dedication would only be continued. Commitment is core to the role and I believe I have illustrated this by engagement in multiple instances including leadership on games night, social media, club events and integration of external members into PSOC events. My leadership competency is further supported by my position as head-girl at 2 different schools illustrating my collaborative skills and ability to handle the balance of uni and leadership commitments.

I have shown exceptional ability to forge connections both internally and external (sponsors/PSOC members from other uni's). I believe this interplay of relations will only grow, underpinned by my recognisable sociability. My personal connections to networks in Punjab, including the PunjabCancerCare organisation and the Pahal in Jalandhar, outline the charitable work I'd like to incorporate into our established event portfolio pioneered this year, along with growing non/clubbing events.

Forging connections and integration are core values of Punjabi culture, embodying what being ‘apne’ means. My development of close relationships with the committee has made me appreciate how the creation of a family environment is key to success. From a personal level, I think it remains clear that as the song we all can't get out of our heads has said: I’ve only found family, not just friends in PSOC. As president this would remain an atmosphere I’d only wish to