Election post


We are lucky to grow in a decent environment, while there are millions of people being vulnerable, oppressed and underprivileged waiting for an extra hand. Hoping to help gives me the motion to run for SSO. However, working as an individual won’t change as much as teamwork. Therefore as  SSO, I will facilitate collaboration with other universities and unite members. I will be hosting volunteering events addressing different current social problems to raise awareness of those issues and maximize the social impact on local communities. By hosting innovative and fun events, I hope to inspire participants and give them a real sense of the joy that social work can bring.  I will lead our members and encourage more members to give back to society.  In addition, another goal of mine is the personal growth of members, hoping to build empathy and compassion among members and facilitate their voluntary contribution.  With great enthusiasm, I believe I can lead our other members in social service.