Election post


Participating in UCL PASS activities has developed my sense of belonging to the Society, and I wish to contribute more by being the Secretary. Through my experiences as Chief Editor of my school's science magazine, and the President of the Moncrieff-Jones Science Society, I have learnt to communicate with external companies, students, school staff and teachers via email, organising event participants, edit and proofread journal articles, and hold meetings. This will undoubtedly help me fulfil my responsibilities as secretary and conduct administrative matters. Being an AR committee (Operations) and Careers subcomm has allowed me to have a deeper understanding of how to organise large-scale events and communicate with new acquaintances, putting me in an advantageous position to offer insights and new perspectives to all branches of UCLPASS. I was a Division Head Prefect, Co-founder of the school Bio-chem club and Vice President of the class committee, coordinating various personnel and monitoring discipline to ensure events run smoothly, which prepares me to be one of eight leading characters of this society. I hope to carry on the traditional work of the Secretary, increase the number of social events for non-subcommittee members, and establish a brand-new UCLPASS magazine. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to serving UCL PASS as the Secretary from 2023-2024.