Election post


Hi everyone! I am Keith, a first year Law student and an extremely active member of UCLPASS. I am a spirited, positive individual with a committed drive to performing my best in all my endeavours, and would love the opportunity to serve both current and incoming UCLPASS members by providing you with the most meaningful and enjoyable society possible should I be elected as President. I greatly appreciated the role UCLPASS had to play in helping me settle in, and look forward to passing on this legacy to the incoming cohort. I wish to make UCLPASS a “home away from home” for Hong Kong students at UCL, fostering a stronger sense of community whilst keeping students in touch with Hong Kong culture, social affairs and career opportunities, staying true to the core values of PASS alongside creating a friendly and fun environment. Being President allows me to serve current and incoming members of UCLPASS most directly. My proficient interpersonal, time management and organisational skills, honed from my plentiful leadership and extra-curricular experiences, will ensure that I can effectively put ideas and activities into motion behind the scenes, making it the most smooth and enjoyable experience possible for members. Most importantly, I understand the gravity and responsibility of the President’s role, and am confident in fulfilling the roles of a proactive and responsible representative, a friendly and approachable senior, as well as a collaborative and hardworking leader.