Election post



As a Portuguese citizen who has lived abroad for most of his life, the Portuguese language has often been my most important anchor, allowing me to connect with my identity. Words like ‘saudade’ are not just vague words used in conversations; they are strong vehicles of the beautiful language that is Portuguese.

This society has given me the possibility to keep in touch with my language and my roots. Having the ability to participate in the growth and development of a society that holds such importance to many would be a privilege to me.

Both my Politics and International Relations course, and my experience leading events and in budgetary oversight would allow me to fulfil the role of treasurer.

As treasurer, I would carry out my job with two focal points in mind:
Transparency - As individuals and members of the society, it is important to have information about the current state of affairs of the society. A treasurer, I will work on shaping the allocation of funds to better correspond to the will of the members.

Growth - Our society has an incredible set of members that make it vibrant and joyful, just like the language itself, yet there are many more Portuguese speakers and individuals who would love to learn the language, who are not yet members. Within the capacities of treasurer, I would do my part in helping to grow the society.

I hope to be able to participate in the making of this society with you all soon!
