Election post


Hey everyone, I'm a 3rd year engineering & architecture student. I have loved being part of pole since I joined last year, and I hope to give back to the club by being on committee.

Pole is one of the friendliest societies, with the most supportive members, something that I would like to maintain. As welfare officer, I will promote the friendly community and provide a support network for members. I will increase accessibility of welfare services by creating an online form for easier, direct contact, so I can efficiently help anyone struggling with issues, as well as creating welfare drop-in sessions and making people aware of UCL support services.

Alongside mental wellbeing, an important part of pole is physical wellbeing, which I want to create a greater awareness of, to ensure people are practicing safely. I would like to do this by having the society offer injury prevention workshops which focus on mobility, conditioning, and safe practices, as well as recovery sessions for relaxation and where necessary, rehabilitation. 

I am experienced in planning and hosting events, so you can trust me to organise fun, welcoming welfare-socials, where everyone will have a chance to be involved and find their space in the society. 

I am very friendly and approachable and will be available to provide support to members in whatever capacity they require. Please vote for me, and in the meantime feel free to get in touch with me or ask any questions if you see me around the studio! <3