Election post


I started pole during the first year of sixth form back in 2018. It was at a small studio near my house in Korea and to be honest, I didn’t instantly enjoy it. I had no strength and it took me 3 months to do even the simplest tricks that others could do during their try-out sessions. I sucked. I was grudgingly completing my 6-month bulk buy membership when I went to watch a Christmas showcase put on by the studio at the end of that year and I saw this dancer, DK, performing a doubles routine. I fell in love. The lights, the velvet sparkly costumes, the strength and the confidence of the dancer mesmerized me.

That showcase I went to made me fall in love with the art of pole. There are moments when I hate pole because it makes me feel like I’m not good enough. However, every performance/show I do makes me fall in love with pole all over again.

There is no doubt that performances and showcases are an inseparable component of pole. Based on my previous experience as a pole performer and instructor, I want to take this opportunity to ensure the smooth running of our traditional showcases as well as encourage and aid other members to participate. Shows and performances are some of the most bonding, exciting experiences you can have with other polers. I want to continue to share this experience with our society members as a showcase director.