Election post


Pole fitness has been a key part of my UCL experience in both my first and second years. In my first year I become Freshers rep, and hoped to make pole an even more welcoming environment.  Through second year, as social secretary, I've worked to organise multiple socials, ranging from movie nights to our upcoming pole camp. 
Pole has become a sanctuary for so many of us at UCL, me included. 

As president I would work to ensure the environment of the pole studio maintains a positive and enjoyable vibe. 

As well as ensuring the vibes, I want to propose a few specific events that I would present as president that would further enrich the society, including, but not limited too: a society trip to blackstage, an open air showcase, talks from individuals such as sex workers and nutritionists and another pole camp! 

My understanding of pole continues to grow and develop as I get the honour to meet more people both in and out the society. I want to ensure every member of the society has the opportunity to experience the spectrum of pole as well as space to understand the big ol' world that is pole. 
Finally, I want to emphasise that I understand the value of support. I will work to ensure each member of the club has access to whatever form of support they need - whether its a rant, a reassuring smile, a spotter - or anything in-between. 

Please vote because I want a jumper that says president