Election post


Heyo, I'm Isaac, our treasurer last year, and I'm running again this year! 

I'm honoured to have been a part of the amazing community that is Pokésoc, and even more of an honour to have been working with our lovely committee. Nothing compares to the joy I've had meeting all of you guys, hanging out(uniting) every Wednesday, during Community Days, bumping into yall on campus, and just spending time with the people I love. Words can't describe how grateful I am for every single one of you, and I hope that you can allow me to continue to make Pokésoc the lovely home that it is!

As last year's treasurer, I have extensive experience in dealing with our Student Union (despite how frustrating it is sometimes), learning how to act effectively as a treasurer and making sure that our funds are being well spent. Our society budget reflects this, having built up a substantial surplus over the course of the year, to be spent in the future on bigger and better events for the years to come(especially with the foundation of #Londongang for more collab events with other societies)!

I'm forever grateful for you guys giving me the opportunity to be a part of this community and to be your treasurer last year, and I hope that you will continue to support me this year in trying to improve perfection(Pokésoc)!