Election post


Hi, I'm Fin, and I'm going to be running for Pokémon Society President this year! 

Having been Welfare Officer for the past year, I've come to learn the intricate details of the society how we function, and what makes us special. This society has been a home to me in what would have otherwise been a horrific uni experience and I'd like to continue to make this society a safe space for all.

Next year, I hope to build on our existing connections and friendships with other societies, London PokéSocs as well as with IUPS. I would also like to build the Women, Trans and NB socials we introduced while I have been Welfare as they've been a great hit! 

I'm looking forward to exploring niches within the Pokémon community in our socials such as the TCG, Unite, Comp play, draft and spin off games, maybe I'll even learn a thing or 2. As well as our favourite events like crafts, movies and Pokémon Go walks, I would like to host a variety of events that cater to everyone's interests.

I understand the role I'm stepping into is huge, and Ro and John are going to be hard to follow, but I hope you can welcome me as President to continue to make this society the very best, like no one ever was!