Election post


For the past two years I’ve been an active member in Pi, writing articles for Pi Online and the magazine, and this year I’ve also had the pleasure of being a section editor for Opinion. Like many of you, I truly love writing. I love bashing out passionate paragraphs concerning the latest political shenanigans, or flicking through the amazing online and magazine contributions that make Pi so unique. But what I love most about Pi is its people. It’s been so wonderful to be a part of Pi throughout my time at UCL, and now I’d love to give back to the community that has shown me so much love and support.

As President, my mission would be simple. First, I want to continue developing Pi as a community by hosting regular writers sessions, pub meets and newsrooms. Second, I want to spread the great word of Pi around campus. This means more publicity, posters and digital marketing. I’d love to see Pi as every student’s go-to choice for the latest campus gossip. Finally, I want to increase our engagement and collaboration with other societies, reporting directly upon their views and events. This would involve the re-establishment of our long-lost Sports section so that we can report and celebrate the victories (especially against Kings!) and losses of all our sports teams within TeamUCL.

I hope that you share my love of Pi, and trust me to continue the great work of Nell and the rest of this year's committee. If you have any questions, please do reach out.

Peace and love, Conor