Election post


My name is Alexia Mihaila and I am a fourth-year Arts & Sciences undergrad running as PiTV Co-Editor-in-Chief! Having been a PiTV EIC in 2021 and having worked as a videographer for the Michigan Daily in the US, I’ve developed a passion for covering on-campus events! 

Given my previous work with PiTV and UCL Film Society as well as taking videography, producing, and script-writing classes in my year abroad, I’ve learnt how to manage a journalism-based video section.

Next year I plan to: 

* Offer the teams leading specific segments creative freedom and responsibility 

* Expand the PiTV TikTok, Youtube, and IGTV presence 

* Organise clear schedules and motivate the team to stick to imposed deadlines 

* Ensure a smooth communication between the EICs and the students who want to collaborate, submit videos and ideas 

* Maintain and develop the PiTV team while training them with the help of Film & TV Society and people in the industry 

* Work towards having PiNews available at UCL leisure spaces and episodes live-streamed with Filmsoc in the form of a proper news station 

* Strengthen the bond between PiTV and other societies, to promote their social impact and increase the visibility across UCL's students' community 

I would love to run the PiTV team again next year and provide interactive and high-quality content produced with other students since it’s something I genuinely enjoy doing. I hope you’ll vote for me for promising a well-videographed year at UCL!