Election post


I am standing for the position of media and marketing officer because I would love to contribute back to the Pakistani society in which I've been an active member of for the past year. My interest in media stems back to sixth form where I've created videos and posters for events our school would organise. Being someone who was born in Pakistan and raised there for 10 years, Pak society has become my home away from home. I have made many friendships from attending events and wish to help first years next year do the same. I hope to successfully portray Pak society in the positive light that I perceive it in, via the role of the media officer. Furthermore, I have helped societies such as the LSE Pak Society in events thus I have a taste and understanding of the responsibility that comes as a committee member and the fact that I will have to help in tasks outside my specific role too. I understand the importance of team work under stressful environments and believe experiences such as the Duke of Edinburgh challenge has helped me enhance that. I have also created many videos for my high school assemblies as that role always resonated the most with me. I hope to use my current abilities but also add to my skillset with the honourable experience of joining Pak society. I look forward to hopefully representing my culture to others.