Election post

  • Hi i'm maisie and i'd love to be social media sec, involving everything PR i couldn't think of a better role suited to me!! Sorting out a social media page whether it be instagram or titkok (which i definitley think UCL netball should get on) is literally my idea of free therapy i love love organising pages. On top of this, it would probably be good if i had something to obsess over that wasn't my own instagram. If i was PR secretary i would love to implement so many ideas i'd such as starting a tiktok page to hop on the trends such as who on the team would you not let date your children as well as clips of games of all teams, as i feel like every other university netball teams clips are all over my fyp anyway! I also think it would be such a good idea to make the instagram more interactive with regular stories and polls to know what everyone is thinking and feeling. Netball has honestly been my favourite part of my UCL first year and i'm such a big advocate for joining the team. I hope that a social media presence for the netball teams helps everyone starting uni or thinking about joining know what a great team and environment it is.