Election post


Hi everyone! 
I’m Eleni, and I’m a second year History student running for workshop coordinator for next year. A highlight of my time so far at UCL has been participating in workshops with MT Soc, and I want other people to be able to enjoy them just like I and many others have. Next year I would like to be able to hold at least 1 performance workshop and 1 for MDs/those who play instruments a term, and look to do a few days in term 3 of workshops after exams. I’m really lucky to know some performers and I hope that I can utilise these contacts to bring everyone in the society some great workshops, such as being on tour and swing/dance captaining, more workshops on technical/musical roles and acting through song/monologue and dance workshops! I’d also like to potentially organise some workshops with Blooms production teams! Finally I’d like to open a forum/form/general space for people to be able to suggest workshops, provide feedback or suggest people they would like to have in to do one, as it’s important to understand and listen to what members want/expect. 

I hope you’ll consider voting for me and that I can bring you some great workshops next year and build on what members have been able to participate in over the last 2 years!