Election post


Hellooo! I’m Eugenie and I’m currently a second years Arts & Sciences student!

One of my biggest regrets is not participating in MT events at ALL in my first year — I recall feeling too intimidated to audition, to attend karaoke nights, or even to watch blooms shows, simply because I didn’t know anyone. I’m so incredibly thankful that I took a leap of faith this year by auditioning for a small show (hi She Loves Me lovelies!), where I met the most welcoming and funny people I now may call dear friends.

In this respect, I would not wish for any theatre kids to miss out on one second of the joys of MT Soc. It would be my greatest pleasure if I, as your social sec, may turn no’s and maybe’s into “YES!” when it comes to MT socials! I would love to organise lowkey events such as coffees to get to know everyone better, powerpoint nights where we share obscure musicals/hot takes (I'm staunchly Team Raoul, sue me), informal read throughs (wet runs) of our fav musicals, or really anything that might be desired! As an avid solo theatre-goer, I would love to bring others along to see some of my favourite shows so that we can debrief, discuss, and debate in that order (my flatmates can only hear me wax lyrical about & Juliet so many times).

My days have been filled with so much more joy having joined MT, and I mean this when I say nothing would make me happier if I could do the same for others. Regardless, I hope to see you at the next show/theatre trip/gala/social!!