Election post


As one of UCL's Musical Theatre Society's Event Coordinators, I would lead the organisation of both small and large-scale events,  involving all members of the society, to celebrate their talents and our mutual appreciation of musical theatre. Next year I have numerous ideas for the galas, perhaps showcasing them in Bloomsbury Theatre, making them a much larger event. I would also work closely with the social secretary in helping to plan smaller events like open mic nights and West Ends trips to name a few. 

In order to run and manage such events, a combination of musical theatre knowledge, music theory and organisation is required. I have years of experience in these, achieving Grade 8 Distinction in LCM and ABRSM Musical Theatre. Also, taking part in a variety of amateur shows allowed my development of not only the performance side of musical theatre, but the organisation and time management required to run such successful productions. 

During my first year, I have also been a part of the MT Choir, and took part in the recent gala. This experience gave a small insight into what is essential in running such events and feel much more confident in organising one of my own next year. It also made me realise how my particular skillset in leadership was suited to the role of event coordinator. Furthermore, the opportunity to work alongside another society member as event coordinators appeals to me greatly due to me working well with others.