Election post


Hi! I'm Adele, a Medical Science student at UCL and a member of MusicSoc since September 2021. Despite COVID19 restrictions, I enjoyed playing in the string orchestra and am pleased to see things back to normal this year.

I have had some unforgettable experiences in string orchestra including playing incredible music, performing and attending concerts, meeting new people, and enjoying biscuits at breaktimes!

Hearing about the opening of nominations for this year’s leadership race was music to my ear and I decided to jump on the bandwagon and apply to the role of Welfare and Volunteering officer to return the positivity that music society has brought to my uni experience

I'm well-suited for the welfare and volunteering officer role given my organisation skills, empathy and experience in volunteering, the music industry and committee roles at uni. As fresher rep of the UCL "Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières" society I acted as a bridge between new members and the committee. Additionally, I served as media officer for the UCL NeuroSoc, managing social media and reviewing research. My first work experience involved helping organise the 20th Deauville Music festival.

As welfare and volunteering officer, I would prioritise creating a supportive environment for members through weekly welfare hours and being available to listen. Finally, I have plans to organise a concert for the Great Ormond Street Hospital for children as I am volunteering there. Thank you for your attention!