Election post


Hello! I’m Chris and I would love to be Music Society treasurer next year because I have loved being part of symphony and string orchestra last year and I want to help run and enable others to have similar great experiences. I’ve made great memories with Music society and it’s been the highlight of my time at UCL. I’m going into my second year studying History and German but my greatest passion is music and the cello.

I greatly enjoy being string orchestra manager this year and have experience working in the committee, organising concerts, socials, setting up for rehearsal, getting biscuits and printing off lots of music! I’d be proactive in dealing with problems that inevitably arise and am organised and confident with spreadsheets.

My priority as treasurer would be to ensure that members are getting value for their money and that it is being spent wisely and that the concerts are enjoyable for all. I’ll work hard to make sure that the music society can provide its members with great socials, venues, experiences and rehearsals (by form of more biscuits!). Thanks.