Election post


Hi! I'm Yin Jie, Heartstrings and Influtenza member, and I am running to be your RUMS Music president!

RUMS Music has been a huge part of my university life and I want to contribute to the society, especially in my iBSC year next year! I am standing for President as I believe that my strong passion will guide me in leading the society towards greater heights, and let all members have a super enjoyable time in the year ahead :)

I have been involved greatly in the society, playing in two of the musical ensembles, and serving as your Community Outreach officer. In the latter role, I have organised charity performances, most notably the ones in the Christmas market at London Bridge, which I hope all participants enjoyed! I have also actively involved myself in non-musical aspects of the society, giving the I&D and soon the FNM tutorials for the Year 1s.

I believe that my strong interpersonal skills, meticulous nature and good communication will help me greatly in this role, and I have relevant experience in leading my high school orchestra back then. I strive to improve inter-ensemble bonding by organising more combined events, and introducing an interaction event especially for freshers at the start of the academic year. I will also aim to improve communication with the members, with group chats for each year group, and a regular newsletter to outline upcoming events and links.

I hope you can give me your trust and vote, and I will definitely serve you with all my heart!