Election post


Hello everyone, I'm Amy and I'm a 2nd year Human Sciences student. I'm so excited to be running to be your President next year!

As this year's Symphony Chorus manger and a member of Chamber Choir, I've worked closely with Symphony Orchestra and am looking forward to being more involved with A Capella, String Orchestra, and Concert Band. I am glad to have helped to push Music Soc in a new direction through choosing the new Orchestra and Chorus conductor, and I want to continue developing Music Soc into a more vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere for all! 

This year, I have enjoyed the sense of community in Chorus. I'd love to continue this next year in the whole society by organising more integrated socials throughout the year so people can meet members outside their ensemble and year group. 

Through organising concerts in venues across London, I have gained more insight into knowledge the President requires, like liaising with ensembles, managers, venue teams and conductors. It has also given me the confidence needed to large groups of people and act as a representative of the 450+ people in Music Soc. 

Welfare in Music Soc is so important to me. I'll ensure that Music Soc is an accessible and open space to allow everybody to get involved and discover the joy of music, and feel able to express any concerns/problems. 

Being part of Music Society and the committee has been such a pleasure. I'd love elected President to help lots of others make as many great memories as I have!