Election post


Hello there! My name is Rachel and I'm running for acapella manager :)

I joined the Eustones last year, and it was the best part of my year. Being able to sing and jam with some of the most wholesome and amazing people I've ever met was indescribable. I couldn't join this year because I'm in my year abroad in Switzerland, but I will be back! And I want to return to one of the places I felt the best and most welcomed while taking part in making it an incredible place.

During last year, not only did I perform as part of the Eustones, but I also sang with the Altones, as a soloist, and even led one of the sessions (to this day, one of the memories I'm most fond of from acapella). I have extensive musical experience - over 14 years of classes in theory and performance (classical piano and singing), as well as multiple concerts, ensembles, and even a university diploma in music performance. All of that is to say that making good music has always been a major part of my life. Nonetheless, the Eustones is first and foremost about making FUN music, and I want to make sure that happens :)

I want to take on Ian's, Angie's and Helena's legacy and keep making Acapella more fun, exciting and, well, in tune ;p I will help ensure the groups are running smoothly, with socials, fun rehearsals, technical training, and lots of good snacks during the break, but I want to hear what you want from acapella, and make sure we find a space for it.

Thank you!