Election post


Growing up, my mother considered cultural enrichment of paramount importance. Naturally, I found myself frequenting museums, galleries and exhibitions of the most fascinating variety persistently throughout my childhood - a fact which I attribute as causative of my unwavering love for art, which has only intensified as I have become older. Of particular mention in recent memory was the privilege I had of admiring Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring during my interrailing travels this preceding summer; or equally, of witnessing the disturbing yet peculiarly moving architecture of the Sedlec Ossuary, Czechia. 

It is in bringing this indomitable spirit that I hope to effectively co-organise a series of enlightening and engaging visits to the plethora of cultural sites dotted across London. Perhaps lamentably, many UCL students spend their typical three-to-five years in the city without a true comprehension of its cultural richness. I hope, humbly, to make my own tangible contribution towards dispelling such ignorances. 


Nicholas Sequeiros-Engel