Election post


Hi everyone!

I am Emily, I love fashion and our MODO society.

Marketing is so important for our society because we need to be able to advertise all the incredible things we get up to.

As a society, we are not shy. So, our online presence should be bold and exciting! As individuals, we love expressing our creativity. So, our society image should reflect this diversity of styles.

This year, I learned about how MODO functions and how important collaboration is. I wrote an article for our magazine on “Staying relevant”, where some of you pitched ideas, modelled or shot the shoots. Learning about luxury brands' marketing strategies inspired some of these ideas:

  • Use QR codes around campus to advertise events or advertise our members’ own work
  • Have a monthly newsletter to recap the main fashion events/ moments that happened that month.
  • Based on the idea of Marc Jacob’s tweet shop: use Instagram plugs for things like discounted tickets or access to exclusive events to increase our profile viewership.

I am excited for MODO's next year and would love to be part of the team.