Election post


Hello! My name is Sigi. I am a second year undergraduate student studying Applied Medical Sciences BSc. This year, I am part of the MedTech committee. My role is Mentorship Programme Executive, where I help in organising and keeping this annual programme a successful event that appeals to and helps many students seeking guidance from experts in the healthcare and MedTech industry. I have been part of the MedTech Society for two years now. Last year, as a member, I got to attend the Women in MedTech online conference and hear about many inspiring success stories. I was also a mentee in the Mentorship Programme, where I had the opportunity of attending online sessions with a successful healthcare expert. 

As a committee member, I got to assist on this year's Women in MedTech Conference. Additionally, I had the opportunity to attend a few of the talks. The experience was very inspiring for me, as I had the chance to hear about several achievements of women in healthcare. It was also motivating to see the large attendance. My goals as a chair for next year would be to listen to feedback from this year’s conference to improve, brainstorm more interactive networking opportunities, and advertise the conference more in advance to allow for more students attending.

I believe my experience as part of this year's MedTech committee as well as my inspiration to organise the next successful Women in MedTech conference make me a suitable candidate for this position.

Thank you.