Election post


Marketing is such an important aspect of any organisation, especially in the medical technology industry. When done well, it can really help people understand and get excited about new ideas, which is one of the key goals for our society. As a medical student and someone with a background in social media, I enjoy creating and editing videos about science, analysing audience preferences, and promoting the wonderful events the Committee organises.

If elected, I promise to continue enhancing the club’s social media presence by introducing new features such as a “MedTech fact of the week” or showcasing expert individuals. Moreover, I will always look out for new networking and career opportunities in London and share them with the members.

Advertising offline is equally as important, so designing posters to hang around campus to get the word out and encourage students to attend our events is vital. Having always enjoyed sharing ideas and thoughts, particularly in medicine, I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to spread the word about this fascinating field of technology.