Election post


Hi everyone!

My name is Toni Disu and I am a first-year MSci Medical Innovation and Enterprise student. I am running for AI in Medicine Executive as I believe that I am uniquely qualified to serve in this role based on my strong communication skills, my ability to work effectively as part of a team, and my leadership experience.

I am excited to share my passion for digital health and AI. I have a strong interest in leveraging technology to improve healthcare outcomes, and I am currently working on a health tech startup that involves the use of AI to improve customer care. This experience has given me valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges of implementing AI in healthcare, and I believe that this knowledge will be invaluable for the role.

As AI in Medicine Executive, I will work tirelessly to advance the MedTech Society's mission and promote the use of AI and other cutting-edge technologies to improve healthcare outcomes. My passion for digital health and AI makes me a strong candidate for this role. I am committed to bringing my unique perspective and expertise to this position and working collaboratively with other members of the society to achieve our goals.