Election post


My name is Jasmine and I'm in my second year of medicine. Personally, I am deeply interested in AI and the ethical issues surrounding its development and use. I am also excited by its potential in medicine - interpreting diagnostic scans, performing robotic surgery, improving the efficiency of admin work - the possibilities are endless! My enthusiasm will ensure I do my best to build a network of fascinating researchers and companies for next year’s AI in Medicine conference - furthermore, I aim to act on any suggestions for specific topics, technologies, speakers and activities you'd like to see.

Acting as Events Officer this year, I feel I truly understand and am prepared for the scope of the work involved in organising the conference, from deciding the theme to engaging speakers/companies to sorting logistics. As Chair of the conference, these are three changes I would implement:

  1. Invite representatives of different stakeholders (e.g. a researcher, a manager/finance/law specialist and a doctor) to the panel discussion which will be based on a scenario
  2. Expand the start-up fair, especially for companies and research groups who would like to promote their open posts or internship opportunities to our attendees
  3. Use the society’s channels (especially the MedTech Portal) to expand our “bubble” to people who aren’t initially interested in MedTech

Ultimately, I'd like to ensure everyone simultaneously enjoys the conference, and can take away knowledge and skills by the end!