Election post


Why should you vote for me?

I am currently involved in the medical society as the head of preclinical tutorials. I have therefore observed first hand the administrative work that goes on and understand what this role would entail. This allows me to be adequately prepared to assemble an amazing team that all share a passion for making tutorials more enjoyable for future students!

My current role involves:
- advertising tutorials on WhatsApp
- allocating year 1 and year 2 students to tutorials + assigning rooms

Issues I addressed and changed as part of the team:

  • Changed tutorial timings to earlier in the day
  • Assigned deadlines to complete the form
  • Advertise events earlier

Changes I would make as a pre-clinical education chair:

  • Increase number of meetings from 2 to 4 a year: This is to facilitate communication between the team, and identify any errors or issues.
  • Keep all documents in one google drive: This is to avoid any missing presentations or forms, and to make sure the right documents are provided to both tutors and students.