Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Ian Rodrigues! I think I am well-suited to the role of Policy, Public Health and Leadership Chari. In the past, I have given talks on the growing problem of Childhood Obesity and return articles on topics such as the mental health of medical professionals and ethical implications of legalising drugs for medical use, euthanasia and abortion. I also completed an EPQ asking "Could we achieve a health care system that maximises both equity and efficiency?"

I am a 3rd year medical student currently doing an iBSc in Neuroscience, but I would like to take a step back from the fine focus of academia and take a more systemic view of how health is maximised at the level of leadership. I feel very passionately about the movement of money within the NHS, and hope to unwind what seems like a despicably complex process. Lastly, with strikes happening within the NHS I believe this field is more relevant than ever. I am someone who believes varied opinion and debate is crucial to optimising outcomes when it comes to health policy, and I would love to translate that approach to events held in MedSoc.

I have plenty of ideas for this role, including the workshops on the most effective means to influence health policy as a medical student and junior doctor, as well as talks shining light on less-spoken about topics like social stigma associated with prescription of psychiatric drugs.