Election post


My passion for oncology grew immensely during my third-year intercalation in the subject, and running for the position of oncology chair would allow me to further pursue this interest. The role would enable me to engage with the student body and increase their understanding of a specialty that is relevant in all aspects of medicine. Oncology is a rapidly and constantly advancing specialty. As medical students, we need to be aware of these advancements in the field. I hope to achieve this in the position of oncology chair by continuing to bring in speakers for exciting, inspirational talks. Another aim is to collaborate more with other specialty subcommittees across UCL Medical Society for multispecialty seminars and fundraisers for charities. For example, working with the public health subcommittee, tying together policy/public health with oncology, could bring about a seminar on this relationship – a potential talk being on the importance of improving cancer screening. Being an oncology mentor this academic year has increased my interest in guiding younger years in their oncology learning. As chair, I would not only like to continue this scheme but also provide more oncology teaching/revision sessions for both BSc and medical students across all years. I am looking forward to attending the National Undergraduate Oncology Conference later this month and I hope to be a part of organising it next year!