Election post


Having been on the O&G subcommittee for 2 years, I feel I’ve gained a wealth of experience to lead the society next year as Chair.

In my first year on the subcommittee, I helped to plan fundraising events for the Happy Baby Community, which I subsequently put forward as our nominated charity this year. If elected, I intend to collaborate closely with this amazing charity from the get-go.

This year I’ve worked to expand our outreach on social media as a publicity officer. I’ve also helped to organise O&G talks through the connections I’ve made as a current Women’s Health iBSc student. If elected, I would use this network of contacts to provide talks by leading experts that continue to inspire students about the most exciting areas in O&G.

The vital experience I’ve gained by helping to plan our recent O&G conference makes me well-equipped to coordinate an even bigger conference next year.

Alongside the aims I have outlined above, I hope to plan an O&G group research project to give interested students a chance to gain research experience that can add to their career portfolios. It’s been great to see O&G society grow over the past 2 years, and I believe I can combine my experience with fresh ideas to drive the society towards even greater success! It would be a privilege to be the O&G lead for 2023/24!