Election post


I’m Chloe and I’m currently a fifth-year medical student. I’m running for Dermatology chair as Derm has always been a particular interest of mine. I love the concept of a visual specialty that has huge overlap with surgery and psychiatry. I’ve been an active committee member of the unofficial UCL Dermatology Society this year, you may have seen my posts on different dermatological conditions or even attended the talk that I hosted with an IMT2 doctor on the Dermatology career pathway!

At medical school, we only get a limited amount of exposure to Dermatology placement, yet it comes up throughout almost all aspects of medicine. I plan to arrange a teaching series next year to target these gaps in the curriculum. I’d also love to arrange more interactive workshops, such as using a Dermatoscope and identifying lesions which we can provide certificates of attendance for. Furthermore, these workshops can provide a space to discuss the relationship between Dermatology and mental health, which are crucially interlinked and perhaps overlooked within core curriculum teaching.

I’ve been an active part of RUMS throughout medical school and have been on committee as both RUMS Tennis Publicity Officer and Education/Welfare Officer. I’ve also acted as a transition mentor and currently work for UCL Student Support and Wellbeing within Halls of Residence. I’ve been a PACS tutor for UCL MedSoc and would welcome the opportunity to have a more hands-on role within the society.