Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Ayra, I’m a 1st year studying Comparative Literature with Arabic, and I am applying for the role of Vice President and Welfare Officer.

As someone with a passion for learning, I’ve found that being a part of MSOC these past two semesters has truly been a validating experience. From taking on new roles as Events Director and Vice Organising Chairperson in the RD Program, to meeting my own little ‘found family’ in the bustling city that is London, MSOC has been a great source of energy for me and I hope to take this role as an opportunity to continue applying and contributing myself within this community.

What I plan to achieve with this role

  • Assist in managing events with the rest of the BOD
  • Contribute my own ideas and sense of creativity
  • Further encourage the extensive benefits of the JomMakan card
  • Improve the use of the MSOC Family System
  • Overall, provide a strong support system for you and prove MSOC’s worth as a second home for the next generation of UCL MSOC students

Why I am the right candidate for this role

  • Not only am I an avid learner, but I love problem solving and challenging my potential
  • I am enthusiastic in everything I put my heart into
  • And, last but not least, I am resilient in what I choose to accomplish

I hope to meet you all in the next two years to come, and I cannot wait to see what MSOC grows into. Here is my complete manifesto if you're interested to see what else I can offer.

Take care everyone, and jumpa lagi!