Election post


Hi, I'm Faiz and I am running for the treasurer role in Malaysian Society 2023! I made many new friends and spent a memorable time with MSoc during my first year here. Hence, I would like to contribute to MSoc by being the backbone of society to continue serving more exciting events to all Malaysians at UCL.

If elected, I aim to :

  • Streamline the record-keeping by using a digital bank account as a tool to receive, transfer (to the main MSoc bank account) and refund money from events efficiently.
  • Always inform and provide financial advice to the BODs so that they are aware of the budget limitation for the event, and come out with the best decision
  • Record all cash flows in spreadsheets neatly and clearly

I am a highly organised person, especially when it comes to monetary. I am really particular with my own monthly expenditure and I recorded my expenses in a spreadsheet to monitor my financial situation. This really helps me to plan my budget wisely, especially during today's inflation era in the UK. 

Besides, I had involved in many teamwork projects and events throughout my time at high school, pre-university and UCL. I am currently a treasurer of MSoc Formal Night (Representative Director Programme) and an ensemble cast in MNight. With all experience I have, I am confident enough to deliver the responsibilities of this role and committed to give my best for MSoc.

I would really appreciate your support and I promise to bring more joy to MSoc!

Thank you
