Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Harshiini, and I am applying for Malayali Society's Marketing Secretary.

I am a very active person on social media, and love to spend time coordinating with various people to make interesting content (trust, it's very amusing!)

I also am the Vice President of a charity organisation since 2018, for which I mainly cover the marketing and social side. I am therefore well-versed in creating relevant content to present the information that you want!

I would also love to encourage more people to join the society. Being Tamil myself, I think I missed out on not knowing about what this society has to offer sooner, and I don't want the mistake I made to repeat.

I would love to liaise with other committee members to design engaging content that encourages more people to come to events and be a part of this amazing society. Content should be insightful, but also relatable and humorous, and I have many ideas on how we can grow the community through reels, posts and stories.

I mainly want to bring more representation into the society, and help it grow bigger by encouraging a wide range of people to join through successful marketing campaigns and content. I think Malayali Society has a very warm and welcoming committee and group of people, and I would love to be a bigger part of this, just as you should be too!

And I'll leave my manifesto there, I hope to see you guys soon at the next event!

- Harshiini :)