Election post


In a university as big, and in turn, fragmented as UCL, it is easy to feel like it's lacking in any kind of community. Since turning up at my first Rhapsody rehearsal in November of last year, Live Music has put a welcome end to uni just feeling like clubbing, tcr tesco's reduced section and some Spanish lessons. As the one and only LM violist, I have spent the last few months introducing myself to Rhaps cast members and swearing that I was there too... As pitiful as this sounds, I have always been met with warmth and good corona-fuelled chat. It is this warmth alongside the crazy talent that fills LM that makes me come back to the socials and the shows and the open mics each time. I want the LM members of the next academic year to have a similarly good, if not better, experience. As an avid songwriter, I'm also interested in engaging the society with more composition and new music based events and socials. As a group of such talented musicians, there is no need to be restricted to covers. All in all, Live Music has been one of the best parts of my experience as a fresher and as your Social Sec, I'd love to further my commitment to the society in 23/24, organising socials to not only encourage the creation of new music and the forming of bands etc., but also just as a easy way to switch off from the intensity of London to some good tunes... If I've earned your vote, I look forward to hearing your best viola joke over the sweet sweet sounds of mully's karaoke asap!