Election post


Hi! My name is Nerea, I have been involved in LM for the last 2 years and would love to be your president for my final year. I originally joined the society to perform, as I have played the guitar for over 12 years. Instead, I took an interest in tech which lead to me being one of the current tech officers. This has given me an insight into how the society runs. I would aim to keep this society as friendly and welcoming as possible. Some ways to further that would be:

  • Having more socials (including non-alcohol related ones) so that it’s easier for new members to meet others in the society
  • Having more jams
  • Attempting to increase diversity within performers through more collabs with societies (like VOCE and GenFem this year) and having events during BHM, LGBTQ History Month and This Girl Can week
  • Giving more visibility to the tech side. Having more tech workshops throughout the year and making sure all of committee has some notion of how tech and mixing works as it can be a very helpful skill to have as musicians
  • Having introductory workshops for some instruments. These would be done using the instruments LM owns and would give those considering taking up an instrument a chance to try it out
  • Sending out forms at the end of each term looking for feedback from society members so that events offered can be catered to those attending rather than from the standpoint of committee
  • Having small shows throughout, to give more people the chance to perform outside of Mullys/IOE