Election post


Hi! I’m Maya and I’m running to be one of your head tech officers (for my second year in a row)!

You may have seen me this past year either frantically running around gigs or backstage at rhapsody, both as an assistant producer and as a member of the rhaps choir. 

In the coming year, as tech officer, I would love to continue my current efforts to teach people about teching gigs and shows, whether through formal workshops or during gigs. This year, I’ve already organised two workshops, but would love to devote more time next year to create even more opportunities for people to learn about our kit!

Additionally, another main goal of mine would be to work on updating and fixing our kit! Over the past year, I’ve spent many nights soldering XLR cables and researching new speakers for the society, and if elected, I would happily continue these efforts!

As the producer on the successful internal bid for Rhapsody 2024, I will also likely be working with a lot of the kit as part of managing rehearsals. As tech officer, I believe these roles will likely go hand in hand, as I can help ensure good maintenance of the kit, and use rhapsody as an opportunity to encourage more widespread knowledge of how to use the kit within the society.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience as tech officer this past year, and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue in the role!