Election post


We may not agree on everything - in fact, my economic views (which I invite you to challenge) might be quite to the left of most Liberal Democrats - but that doesn't matter.

Because I think we all agree here: our imperative as a Party is to build a society where we can disagree effectively. Beyond just a party of issues, we have a vision: to rebuild the UK's constitutional structure and civic society. We are the Party of democratic progress.

As President, I will make our society a microcosm and catalyst of the society we want to build. We will embrace plurality, inclusion, and respect on every issue. We will play to our strengths by making constitutional reform central to our agenda, challenging our fellow political societies.

I want us to do this with an engaged social media presence, regular social and political events for all levels of interest, and platforms for prominent speakers and our members to discuss and convince.

I believe I have the credentials to lead. A penultimate-year Political Science student, I have campaigned in general elections and for climate action. I have won public-speaking competitions saying what I think, and my experience leading multinational teams in consultancy has taught me how to cultivate others' voices.

As democrats, Europeans, and internationals, we owe it to ourselves, our communities, and our opponents to build a vibrant democracy. Elect me, and I will make sure we are all included in this fight.