Election post


I would love to become more involved in the Legal Tech society as I am fascinated by how new and exciting technology can be used to simplify, improve, and innovate long-standing legal processes. I am applying for the role of Treasurer due the opportunity to work alongside the whole management team of the society and the ability to assist with the creation of new events.

Having experience working in leadership roles, being Head Girl, as well as having developed teamwork and time management  through work in part-time jobs and balancing extracurriculars such as music and mooting, I would be able to efficiently carry out this role.

As your Treasurer I would…

  • Facilitate the creation of new and exciting events, both social and educational
  • Create a plan to allow for expansion and collaboration with other societies
  • Innovate current fundraising tactics
  • Contribute to the completion of long-term goals
  • Ensure detailed record-keeping
  • Aid with the elevation of the society, helping to encourage new members to join

Not only am I excited about this opportunity to learn more and get to know new people, but I am also suited to this role and would love to be given this opportunity!