Election post


Hi, I'm Reenie!

I would love to be your President next year. Our society is brilliant in so many ways, but I believe it can be even better. We need a fresh approach that involves students of all backgrounds and degrees to foster an active and informed community for shared understanding of automated legal services. As President, I will steer the direction of Legal Tech to advance the causes you believe in. 

As current Welfare Officer, I have displayed unconditional commitment to the society's growth. I have developed leadership skills as Conference Manager of Model United Nations in my previous school, where I took initiative, acted as a general liaison, and initiated correspondences with schools across the world; I will put these skills to ensure a seamless transition if elected.

As President I aim to drive change by:

- Organizing a variety of events such as socials and workshops educating members on sector-specific automation to familiarize them with technology they may be expected to be acquainted as lawyers

- Encourage discussions on challenges and opportunities facing Legal Tech like access to justice, client confidentiality and data protection

- Build on the good work that has already been done to partner with technology and software legal tech companies such as Avvoka

- Have a Refreshers week, opportunities available during freshers should be made available later in the year for new members


I would love it if you voted for me to make the changes that we need.